Monday News: Super happy driving fun time

I know everyone has their own tasks to solve on any given day and while I try to sympathize with that. But, bald man with squarish glasses driving a tan BMW 335i with the license plate 684 TEG: you are a total dick. When it’s raining outside and you’re stopped at a traffic light on a steep incline, no one with a brain hammers the accelerator, especially if they’re behind a large delivery truck. Having no supernatural powers or advanced technology granting me the ability to pass through the vehicle in front of me, I strangely decided to let them move forward before making any advancements of my own. That probably seems ridiculous to someone like you, bald man with squarish glasses, what with you having been raised in a place with a hopefully appropriate name like “The Douche Farm”. Still, try to remember that not everyone is trapped in a physical metaphor for trying to outrun their diminishing connection to human worth; I can only hope you were rushing home to surprise your wife for your anniversary or something equally noble. In which case, I hope you walked in on her and Frederico, her tan South American consort, engaging in the passionate physical connection long lost to you after she witnessed the charming fashion in which you engage yourself on the open road. Try to feel something as you see her graceful fingers trace over his rippling musculature, her delicate lips caressing his ears, her eyes looking so deeply into his that you realize she’s become closer to him in a few torrid hours than she has to you in 17 years of marriage. Look upon this scene and know: it’s no less than you’ve earned with your single obnoxious honk on a rainy hillside.

So who’s ready for some news?

– J.J. Abrams has a new show in the works! Working with Eric Kripke, the creator of the abruptly-popular-in-the-past-3-years Supernatural, the project’s titled Revolution. It’s apparently a drama, or maybe a thriller or something, but either way it’s got a pilot commitment from NBC! Hopefully if this show comes out and is a huge success it won’t mean that Fringe will get dumped by the wayside the way Alias was for Lost. Kripke’s currently working on the Deadman TV show no one sincerely cares about, but he’ll have some work ahead of him while Abrams is distracted by working on the next Star Trek movie and Alcatraz. [Source: Deadline Hollywood]

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception is going to be playable over a week early at a few AMC theaters. $25 will get you the chance to play the game on the big screen and in 3D, something that I can’t even do with the equipment at my theater (yet). If you really want to get crazy, you can pay $60 and get a copy of the game, though not on the same day. Throwing away your pre-order might net you something extra but if it’s there, they haven’t mentioned it. Anyway, if you live in one of the beloved big cities, check out the AMC website to see if you’ve got one of the 5 theaters participating. [Source:]

– Revoltech is on a mission to get the most out of that Pixar license judging by some of the new announcements in the sci-fi line. Lightning McQueen, Marlin, Wall-E and Mr. Incredible are all already on the schedule though at least 2 of those choices seem kind of impractical from an articulation standpoint. You can see Dory in the background of the picture as well so they’ve at least a little more planned for Finding Nemo unless that’s Nemo at the bottom as well. I can only hope we get the rest of the Parr family and the cast of Up, even though this reminded me how I don’t have any of the Monsters Inc. releases. I’m fine with the Toy Story Collection stuff so at least I’m (kind of) safe from Revoltech covering that property. [Source: Tomopop]

– As we discuss on the next episode, Power-Con was this weekend and there were a few reveals. Check out our pal Newton Gimmick’s thoughts here and some pics from the actual con here. I’m really excited for Stinkor and it’s nice of Mattel to throw a bone to a con that isn’t SDCC with the ‘Temple of Darkness’ Sorceress. I remember a time when lots of toy companies (notably Palisades) had touring exclusives but that seems to have fallen by the wayside in favor of retailer specific exclusives. Either way, the Griffin is neat and Slush Head makes for a cool figure despite everyone’s inability to take a decent picture of him outside of one particular angle. Spector is… ok I guess. Kind of wish the tooling for his new parts could have been spent on getting all of Draeg0-man’s weapons though. [Sources: Infinite Hollywood, Geek Chic Daily]

Well that’s all I’m going to put up today as I have a lot of stuff to get to, not the least of which is writing about the last batch of New 52 books I bought. Last note to Dick-bag in the BMW: your kids love Federico more than they ever loved you.

See you tomorrow!

One Response to “Monday News: Super happy driving fun time”
  1. This is a great news round-up!

    I just started Uncharted 2 again since replacing my system means all saves are gone. Gotta say, it’s as exciting this time as it was nearly 2 years ago. I hope part 3 still pays this much attention to a quality single player experience.

    I’ve got no Revoltech, but the idea of having a Pixar collection in a consistent style/brand is appealing. At the same time, I agree that some of those are odd for a line whose trademark is articulation. At least it’s a really nice looking fish you can bend in 2 places. Seriously, I thought Nemo was a shopped still from the film at first.

    The fact that I only want Woody for his infamous extra face makes me a bad person.

    Pretty nice Powercon reveals! Or, more accurately, Last Chance to Sell Some Subs reveals!
    It seems like there’s more rioting over Spector than subs sold. Actually, I bought the 30th sub last night and I kinda like Spector, so maybe not. The anger over him makes me love him more.

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