Monday News: Everybody loves Drax

Hot on the heels of discovering that Hasbro’s Marvel Legends wave 4 is appearing, I’m taking a break from my manic hunt for the rest of wave 3 long enough to try and put down some semi-comprehensible thoughts. I say semi because there’s a commercial about Seth MacFarlane hosting the Oscars on an endless loop on at work and they somehow found a way to make the man more detestable to me through some of the worst “insert modern commentary into a classic movie scene” gags I think I’ve ever seen. It’s no Skyy Vodka ad with the robot greyhounds running to that awesome techno, or that cool DirecTV ad where the robots are fighting in the kitchen.

That may have actually be a Netflix commercial, but the important thing to take note of here: all commercials need more robots.

Jason Momoa

– Things really get shaking with the Guardians of the Galaxy movie as casting gets underway

While I still tremble in fear of Jason Statham or Michael Rooker being cast as the voice of Rocket Raccoon, the recent announcement that Chris Pratt will be taking the role of Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy gives me hope. With Groot and Rocket Raccoon being digital effects, the big news is starting to circulate around who will be playing the other two humanoid members of Peter Quill’s motley crew. I don’t know how ready I am to see Gamora and Drax’s names thrown around on movie news sites like they’re as well-known as, say, Doc Brown or Darth Vader, but that’s the kind of thing you only get to say when you aren’t a huge site that gets scoops because you’re a big wheel. Maybe I should write more news explaining carefully what I drew from a Wikipedia article, with some misquotes, so I can earn that kind of clout. Anyway, the current frontrunner for Drax is none other than Jason Momoa, likely better known to everyone as Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones. He was also Conan in the notoriously-not-great recent Conan film, though I’m not going to blame anyone for saying “yes” to playing such an awesome character. One of the kids at work told me he was on Stargate: Atlantis but if I’m not judging him for Conan the Barbarian 3D, then I won’t hold that against him either. Isiah Mustafa, best known as the Old Spice Guy, and Batista, WWE wrestler and totally-not-Colossus in pop-culture fruit salad The Man with the Iron Fists, have also tested for the role. Marvel’s apparently low-balled Momoa, but that doesn’t mean he’s quite out of the running yet. To me the real story about this is we live in a world where Drax is a role highly contested and desired by a number of actors. Weird.  [Source: SlashFilm]

– Neil deGrasse Tyson reveals how much Thor’s hammer weighs as gag, inspires somewhere around 3 million goofy comments

Super cool astrophysicist, Nova host, and all-around nice guy Neil deGrasse Tyson has done the calculations for how much Mjolnir weighs, a question we’ve all been asking since Red Hulk “surfed” on it. Sure the surfing part was a retcon to make the Red Hulk not seem like the most powerful being in the whole Marvel universe, but we now know that it was approximately the weight of 300 billion elephants pulling Rulk through Jeph Loeb’s power fantasy.

deGrasse hammer

Neil cited his calculations with the above image. I’m jealous. [Source: Gizmodo]

Star Wars Kenobi cover

– Some Star Wars: Expanded Universe authors are asked about what they’d like to see in the new movies, I wonder where the heck John Ostrander and Karen Traviss are during this

While the various publishing deals that Lucasfilm has may eventually be moving over to Hyperion Books (Disney’s publishing arm), somebody actually thought to go talk to some of the people who were writing sanctioned Star Wars material before Disney came along and made it a Google hit-magnet. Among them is Michael Reaves, one of my personal favorites, though I have to wonder why everybody writing about these upcoming movies seems so convinced someone’s going to die. Other than years of Harrison Ford saying that’s what he wants Han Solo to do. [Source:]

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– Hey Bryan Fuller has a new TV show that’s going to air! Wait, it’s about Hannibal Lecter? …oh.

As a big fan of Bryan Fuller, and his amazing work on shows like Wonderfalls, I’ll be watching at least a little of this Hannibal show he has coming up. Sure, I have zero interest in Hannibal Lecter as a character, and have pretty much the same opinion of Silence of the Lambs that no one does, but if he can finally have a super across-the-board monster hit behind him, maybe he can get enough clout to keep a show like Pushing Daisies on in an age where stuff like Supernatural and The Office refuse to die even after their original creators lost interest. Sure that Munsters reboot didn’t have the best pilot but dang, did it look pretty sometimes. I do wonder how Laurence Fishburne’s on this show since I thought he was heading up one of the Law and Order spinoffs but whatever. It looks ok, though Hugh Dancy seems to look a lot different than he did in Confessions of a Shopaholic.

Hey, if someone tells you they’re gonna pay you to watch an Isla Fisher movie, I know I’m not saying no. [Source: Deadline]

Monday News: Google kills our traffic edition

I finally decide to do another news session, that basically wore me out summarizing the previous three weeks of articles. It happens.


“I knew this would happen”: Marshall reconsiders Silver Linings Playbook

Marshall admits he was wrong about Silver Linings Playbook, though I’ll have to poll some other people to see if this is the first instance of him being so about something.

– Wednesday

Episode #112: Shutting off the electricity for the night

If that title means anything, I’ve forgotten what, but what I can tell you is that this episode involves Toy Fair,

– Thursday

Pokemaniacs (by Michael)

Mike kicks Jas in the balls to run to the finish line and claim the title of most abstractly named post in the history of the blog, while simultaneously writing about Pokemon that only me and Kerry know by this point. Also you, internet. Maybe.

– Friday

Review: Hasbro Iron Man Legends Wave 1

Possibly the most timely review I’ve ever done (that wasn’t a movie), I take a look at Hasbro’s Iron Man 3 tie-in line of Marvel Legends. I guess the movie figures in the second wave mean I should actually get the Avengers Captain America and Thor sometime. Should probably get one of the less garishly colored movie Iron Man armors too, if I’m going to have to let Mark 42’s blinding palette through the door.

So there you go. Not too shabby considering what a hellacious time I had with doing the news last week, but that’s just how things are sometimes. I guess. Anyway, I just found out that Only Yesterday has a blu-ray with subtitles, and since I know Disney is never going to release it, I’m going to start making plans of some sort.

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