Illustrating a Point: Godzilla 2014

Note: Size of talent/imagination and potential are not to scale, sizes are for demonstration purposes. Some objects might be smaller than they appear (guess which, *it’s not potential). By Jaysun

Monday News: Suffering from a lack of awareness

Sometimes, it’s really hard being a toy collector. It’s a ridiculous seeming hobby to a lot of  people, one where you struggle for legitimacy in the face of people who just assume you’re immature because you happen to like something that’s ostensibly intended for kids. You really have to work hard not to seem impractical … Continue reading

Monday News: Space junk of the mind

The 100th episode is in the can! Unbelievable we made it this far as a small group with no local sponsorship, no famous friends, no endorsement deals from huge corporations, and especially no goddamn celebrity hosts that’ll draw more listeners by accident in a day than I could with promoting non-stop for six months. But … Continue reading

Monday News: I-love-hyphens

It’s not every overstaffed-with-idiots-on-a-Sunday that you experience an actual fire breaking out where you work, but that’s what happened to me yesterday. In between yelling at the slack-jawed employees taking the bosses’ little girl out to admire nature’s destructive fury at its most unpredictable and getting yelled at by patrons for something that’s literally beyond … Continue reading

Monster Arts Wishlist: Showa Era

This is the big one, the Showa era that is beloved by the most casual of Godzilla fan. The era that defined what “crappy monster movies” were all about. From the young to the old, the major fun of Godzilla. Lip syncing to rubber suits, this is what we love. MonsterArts has been a line … Continue reading

Monday News: We’re not discussing the thing that we’re discussing

This is apparently the year when everyone decided to apply their dissatisfaction with George Lucas to everything else in the history of ever as I can guarantee that something like 3000 articles will appear about Brave not being as successful as the other Pixar films because it “betrays the brand” by seeming too much like a Disney … Continue reading

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