“What I Did On My Winter Staycation” by Michael

Wow, it’s been a long holiday season. And I took a much deserved, and serendipitous, vacation. I did not plan the vacation to be a NINE DAY break — it just worked out that way. I did not plan to be off when a book I’ve waited almost 20 years for finally came out — but … Continue reading

Obligatory Best of 2012 Post

Michael here. So, 2012 was a year many new obsessions began for me. This post is going to talk about four things I read, watched and played in 2012. Some of these things were not created in 2012, but this is when I discovered them. What you’re getting here is a slice of my year. … Continue reading

Monday News: We’re not discussing the thing that we’re discussing

This is apparently the year when everyone decided to apply their dissatisfaction with George Lucas to everything else in the history of ever as I can guarantee that something like 3000 articles will appear about Brave not being as successful as the other Pixar films because it “betrays the brand” by seeming too much like a Disney … Continue reading

Lego Review: Monster Fighters- The Swamp Creature (9461)

Lego’s newest in-house theme for summer 2012: Monster Fighters. Typically, I prefer the Lego owned themes as they skirt VERY close to other major franchises (Pharaoh’s Quest= The Mummy, Dino= Jurassic Park) without having to pay for those licenses and bringing the savings to the Lego consumer! Plus, they can so much more fun and … Continue reading

I Want Stuff: 5 Additions to Master of the Universe Classics

By Jaysun I love Masters of the Universe. It’s been a near obsession of mind since my youth. I love talking about it, watching it, playing with them, complaining about it; I just love it. But I always want more, whether it’s more sci-fi elements, female characters, or ridiculous accessories. So guess what I’m going … Continue reading

Episode #88: Half Formed Thoughts

Download HERE For the first time in a month it’s time for a regular numbered episode! What’s that mean? Well, discounting the fact that we probably already technically crossed the 100-episode mark if you include specials, it lets us go absolutely crazy with all the pent-up discussion we weren’t able to do in the themed … Continue reading

Draw Something again (now with 1/3 more terrible camera phone pictures)

Well I’m busy fixating over the sentence structure of the piece I was going to run today but I’ve run out of time… Wait, I mean because you guys liked the last round so much I’m going to show you some more stuff from Draw Something! A lot of these predate me taking screenshots of … Continue reading

Monday News: Awards Season

So the Eisners were announced last week and that’s kind of a big deal; I’m a little disappointed in the nominations since they’re doing the same thing they’ve done in the past where they set up two books to sweep everything, this year being the new volume of Daredevil (which is excellent) and Jim Henson’s A Tale of Sand (which … Continue reading

>Ravings of a Childlike Fantasy World: Jaysun’s Movie Dream Is SO Close To Happening.

>Stop…whoa…hold on. This is it. This is the day. This movie may NEVER happen, but it is SO CLOSE to being a dream of mine, I must share my thoughts with you. Feast your little eyes on this. Grant Morrison has written a comic for Liquid Comics, those of vanity projects from Hollywood dreams crushed … Continue reading

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