Illustrating a Point: C2E2 Sights and Sounds Edition!

Jaysun is writing. C2E2 leaves my agenda for the fourth year in a row. A great time as always, and much takeaway. So I’ve created this handy chart to illustrate some of the highlights, sights and very loud sounds from the McCormick Place’s premier comic convention.

Illustrating a Point: The Animal Becomes the Destroyer, a Batsita/Drax Reaction.

From Jaysun…   I have to wonder if this was the demo reel he sent to Disney/Marvel… And just to kick a man while he’s down (or up, really)…

Illustrating a Point: Oscar jokes

So after spending many hours banging on a sheet of iron with a rock, I’ve finally graduated to the point where I think I can almost comprehend Seth MacFarlane’s deeply academic sense of humor. The following is what I’ve been able to decipher, though I still don’t know if my level of knowledge is quite … Continue reading

Illustrating a Point: Franchises

Internet Expression.

Illustrating a Point: Christmas Cheer

Illustrating a Point: The Red

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