Monday News: Let it simmer

It’s officially time for me to tear myself away from Metal Gear Solid 4 so I can write whatever I’m putting up today which will be… the news. I think it’s a good day for that. So here’s all the stuff I found while I was on the phone ordering posters for the one place I … Continue reading

Monday News: Awards Season

So the Eisners were announced last week and that’s kind of a big deal; I’m a little disappointed in the nominations since they’re doing the same thing they’ve done in the past where they set up two books to sweep everything, this year being the new volume of Daredevil (which is excellent) and Jim Henson’s A Tale of Sand (which … Continue reading

Episode 86: Ants on the Sandpaper

Download HERE What’s that? A few relatively big conventions happened? South by Southwest and Wondercon? Wait, they weren’t actually that big of a deal but are, respectively, kind of coasting on the fact that Sundance is becoming less relevant every year and that the comic movies of last summer had big presentations there? Also Wondercon … Continue reading

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